Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Around The World?

Christmas around the world is very different,because all people are different and unique.

Happy Birthday Jesus!


how I feel (darian)

i feel excited because today is the last day of school for Christmas break

Hey Can EveryBody Write A Comment On What They Doing Over Christmas Break

Aneia: I'm staying home & Spending time with my family !!
N'Deayah: I going to my father house and I'm going to a Christmas party!!!
Darian: going over sister or aunt house
Maikel:Staying home.

 Comment What You Are Doing Over Christmas Break Hope You Have A Great Christmas!

many feelings

Monday, December 19, 2011

That Was An Exciting View(Makeitchia)

That Was so exciting to look at.It Look really warm down there.I would like to go there one day but not on a plane because i do not do planes. Im scared to ride on a plane.I cant not wait to our show tomorrow i hope that it goes well.Im Am in STEP AND DRAMA,WHICH is going to look great and i hope that the whole WINTER AND WONDERLAND SHOW.....

darian post about anything

Cant wait till CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

darian mundell censorship essay

censorship is when the goverment ban books, music, and books. censorship affects hummaniyt when you listen to music and hear breaks. the goverment is blocking out what they dont want you to hear.

some singers use curse to express there fellings. the goverment block things they think people shoulg not here. many people use youtube to watch the video but soon they block that to. the goverment block out the realthing and leave people with something you already know.

i think when mudic is uncensored it is good because i get to hear the truth not what the goverment what you to hear. i think if the singer thought it needed to be censored they would not have made it.if the sinder wanted to censor it they should , but the goverment should not do it for thim.

some people will think different from me. people would want itcensored because the curse words. some people do not want to hear the words. people have different opinions. people do not want to see or hear negative thing. but thats how they feel.

i disagree because i like to here the the truth . i am out with when i vhere curse words because i here them everyday and i am use to it. people will have to hear it some day. kids will repeat after other people but they will learn some they

Makeitchia Morris Speech On Censorship

 The F.C.C.(Federal Communcation Commison) Dont understand why the rappers speak the way they do. The FCC should just take some time and listen to what they have to say in their music. Some of the rappers grew up ghetto and orginally act like that. We have an admenment that say that Everyone have freedom of speech. The rappers Take advantage of that and Curse which i think is disrespectful  . The lyrics be so explict, and when certain kids listen to it it pick up easy. Like My Baby sister she is 3 abou to be four december 10 and she know mostly every song on the radio. Sade' favorite song is Lil wayne rollin.

She Know all his words,maybe more than I know. I wont be surprise if a new song comes  out and she know the song. Little Kids from the age of 3 pick up very easy. The young kids today need a row model. Example. If She here a song and sing it and then get older and watch the t.v and next thing you know it might effect her. I think  the (fcc) should just tell the rappers to cut down on the cursing.

I do feel like some music/songs should be censored. Every song on the radio has at least one curse word in it. The rappers/artists dont need to act like how they grew up.I learned that where you grew up influence how you act.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Young Blogers,Essasy(Makeitchia)

What is censorship? Censorship is to censor things so you wont know about certain stuff.
How is Music or Television censored? When The Music is playing they Beep It, or take out the bad word.
Who Wants Televison or music censored? The FCC wants music and certain television censored.
Why Do Other people want music or television to be censored?So they child can stop cursing and using the disrespectful words.
How Has Censorship affected you and others?It Influence me by when Nicki Minja Hairstyles are straight i like them?
How Do you feel about censorship?I feel like that you should be able to do anything you want because it is a free country and the rappers are free Free Will The FCC,Cant do anything about it

Monday, November 28, 2011

Makeitchia Question about Censorship?

I think censorship is when the FCC tries to stop us kids from listening to the music.They really dont want us to know the truth. Why dont the FCC what us to know the truth about the world or whats going on.

How Makeitchia and Darian Fell About Censership?

Makeitchia:I feel like they shouldnt cencer music us black kids today need to know the truth in the world.

Darian: I feel like they shouldnt be censer like videos we need to figure out whats going on.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Giver(What I Think about the giver):Makeitchia

The giver makes you think alot. The giver is very interresting, and very fun to read. The giver makes you think imaginary. It makes you think you would never want to be in a imaginary world!

How Does Color Help You Fully Precieve The World?

        Color helps because you can be very stressed, and you fell like you in a dark room. Yellow for instance can maybe brighten up your day.Maybe you tired of being in a dark black room and you just want light.Another example is when you want to go out with your friends, but the two colors you have on maybe dont match so you have to change.

          Color is a fashion trend.Sometimes color can make things very pretty.If there wasnt any color then what would the world be like?I think the world would be more and more violent.Since the world would be very dark.Coolor can mean alot of things like example:red can mean love or can mean you mad or sad color is unique

 Color is like a smoothe process. Color can change a person Life.Color can mean alot of different things. Color can make someone very unique in there own way.Color is like stepping into somebody else perspective.If there wasnt Any color in this world Then people would be crazy.This apply to the giver because we dont know how it feel without knowing what the color red means because everybody in our world know what colors are.

what I think about color

color make the world better because color make things interesting. If the world was all black and white it would be plain and boring. Color help me figure what are certain things are if i have not heard of it before. When you watch a movie about history and it is boring you want color to make i more fun to watch. when you look at animals you want color not a black and blackbird, but a bird with many would be more interesting.
When you read a boring book you would not read it if it had plain colors explaining you would skip through many words. if the book was boring and had colorful pictures explaining it would be more interesting. Color help  people express their fellings.

Jonas commuity is effected by sameness by eveybody in their community do not know what is color ang boks. they all know the same thing about the community and they learn the same thing. They do not know what is outside their community.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 pargraph essay about sameness and the traits of if i want to be honored or powerful

sameness is when everything is the same. i am effected by sameness by when i go to school everyboby have the same uniform ,we all have dress shoes and we have on earring smaller than our pinky or no earrings at all.i am also effected by sameness is when i go to the store everybody pay in dollars or change. the princpals and and the goverment control sameness.

I am Darian...I want to be powerful

1. thoughtful
2. kind


Sameness- The Same as Everything elese.
Defferences-Not the same as the other like you are different you are Unique In Your Own Way.


Posted By Makeitchia

FlashCard Assingment

We Did An Assingment On The FlashCard Ex. I am Makeitchia............. I want to be Powerful but i need to have
. also Money!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Questions and Answers!

1. What was Jonas' assignment?
A:  Jonas was chosen to be the reciver of memory and recieve the memories.
2. What are the rules for this assignment?
A:  You have to recieve everybody memory
These Are the rules
You are not permitted to apply for release.
You may lie.
You can be rude and ask any question that you like and they must answer you.
You are prohibeted from dream telling.
You may not disscus your training with anyone
You may not take any medicines for pains or illinesses related to your training.

Monday, November 14, 2011

say something questions

say something is when you  make a connection or say anything about what you read.

today weread a poem called john barleycorn when you want to say anything about the poem you say say something.

say something change the way i read by when i finsh reading a story i can say something. and if i cant i can reread.

yes saysomething can help people by if they dont understand what they read they can say something.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What Happenn?

Makeitchia:I am having fun right about now. Im am about to eat some pancakes and eggs

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here Is An Picture When Jonas Took The Apple!

Jonas Took The Apple(The People Watched)

Question,Quotes and Reflections

Q:Why Do They Have To Have their hair cut off?

Q:Why Do They Seperate the people by their Ages

What Happen Today In The Giver

What Happen today In The Book The Giver Was That Their community is different from ours so we sometimes have a hard time understanding.So When your eleven You get your hair cut off(Females and Males) To Get ready to be a tweleve. So They community is very different. Here is a picture of someone about to be released.

Here Is a picture of the Book Wee Reading!

                                          The Giver

Here Is Whats Going On Today!

         We Get Out At 3:16 Yayyyy!                                 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Giver

Why do joan have to take pills

why was he dreaming about fiona do he like her

Did You Like The Assignment Comment!

Makeitchia and darian Liked The assignment

What We Did Today!(What Was The Assignment)

We did an assginment about looking at this picture we had to step into another person shoes and write down what we was thinking but noody could comment.(Example)If we was looking atthis picture we can think alot of things but cant say anytthing about it to another person!)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

The 10 WORDS

1.Apprehensive-quick to learn or understand
2.Bewilderment-a confusing maze or tangle
3.Chastisement-serve criticm:strong reprimand
4.infraction-An incomplete fracture of an bone
5.nondescript-a particular type or kind
6.pondered-to consider something deeply and thoroughly
7.Transgression-son or crime
8.Disposition-state of mind regarding something inclination
9.petulantly-moves or showing sudden impatient
10.indolence-the quality or state of being indolent.